Tuesday, December 15, 2009

25 Days of Christmas make up (again) days 7, 8 and 9

Once again life has gotten in the way of my blogging intentions. Not only have a been busy with Renegade preparations but I also had my wisdom teeth pulled last week (which kinda just stopped all productivity) and had a birthday on Sunday. I have been quite busy and sadly my 25 Days of Christmas just didn't work out as I had hoped.
I am back today though I am excited to share with you 3 new crafters with some super awesome items.
One thing that I am truly missing this year is a super awesome Christmas baking fest. With the way things are going I am afraid that I am going to have to miss out on it completely but that doesn't stop me from pining after some amazing baking gear.

The first item on my list of baking is this amazingly cute set of measuring spoons from beehivekitchenware

I just think they are the cutest things and I would love to see them hanging in my kitchen.

When it comes to my personal life and items I am very unorganized. Professionally I am able to keep it together and be organized. But when I go home I am a mess. I rarely put away my clothes and if there is paperwork I need I usually have no idea where it is. My recipe collection is no exception. My current method of recipe storage is shoving them into the back of my most used recipe book. When I am ready to back something I pull out this book and sort though about 50 recipes I have crammed into this poor book.
A few months back I actually bought an adorable vintage recipe card box but I haven't taken the next step of buying recipe cards. That is why I need these recipe cards from boygirlparty

I am pretty sure if I did have them my recipe collection would be the most organized recipe collection ever.

The next on my list of baking essentials comes from CupcakeSocial. Let me just tell you now that I love this shop just look at this

How could you not want to make cupcakes in liners like this? An even better question would be how couple you not want to eat cupcakes in lines like these? But they don't just have amazing cupcake liners they also have the sweetest cupcake toppers and oh my goodness cookie cutters.

I will attempt to make up for the rest of the days I have missed but I can't make any promises.

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