Friday, July 9, 2010

Work Place Inspired Pinwheels

I am not often creatively inspired by my day job. There are rows of cubicle and fluorescent lights that make everything seem more sleepy. The other day I was sitting here surrounded by the short beige walls of my cubicle with a brightly colored stack of post-it notes sitting front of me and I suddenly had the urge to make pinwheels. So, I grabbed the first post-it of the stack and my scissors and molded that little piece of paper into a little bit of fun. I tacked the finished pinwheel to my bulletin board and boy did it look pretty. I needed more. I searched my drawers for post-its in other colors and different sizes and created a mini pinwheel garden in my boring old cubicle.
Please excuse the poor quality of this picture I took it with my phone. Aren't the pinwheels fun though?

When I got home that day I couldn't stop the pinwheel fun. So, I sat on the living room floor with my bag of felt and a jar of buttons and went to town making little pinwheel flowers.
Here they are. Sweet little pinwheel flower hair pretties.

1 comment:

andrea creates said...

those are really cool! i love pinwheels :)