Sunday, January 27, 2008

Back in the saddle again

Unfortunately the first third of my pregnancy hasn't gone exactly as I had planned. I guess I expected to be the same as my last pregnancy where I felt no different until I hit the forth or fifth month. But, when they tell you no two pregnancies are the same they really weren't joking. This time around I have been nauseous and completely exhausted since conception.

Thankfully this fetus is finally letting up. Starting last week I was finally able to get off the couch and get back to my sewing machine. It feels so good to have the energy to create again. I was starting to get sad every time I logged onto Etsy. Looking at all the stuff everyone was able to create and all I could manage to get my body to do was sit in front of the tv and vegetate. I am back now and I am ready to go!

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